Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mike's Graduation

Wow! What a day! Four years of hard work and sacrifice have finally come to end today. M graduated from UCLA School of Dentistry and is now officially a DDS, or Dr. Capio to most people. Words cannot express the feeling of happiness and pride I feel for him. You see, our whole relationship has been spent with him as a dental student and it seemed like this day would never come. But it did, and it could not have been more perfect (well, minus the dean's excruciatingly uncharismatic speeches). The ceremony was in the beautiful Royce Hall on the UCLA campus and there were about 100 dental students and 50 or so post-doctoral candidates receiving their degrees. The real stars were the DDS candidates as this marks the day that they change from being simply a" Mr." or "Ms." to a "Dr." and it really was something special. M looked so handsome in his serious black cap and gown and even more serious when they put the lavender (the color of dentistry) robes around them. Congratulations to the Class of 2009 as they are truly amazing and will all likely be very successful people in whatever fields they end up going into!

Afterward, we had a lunch at Marmalade Cafe in El Segundo. Friends and family drove from as far as S.D. and M's parents, in from NJ for the week, hosted a wonderful meal. I had to do the toast and, of course, I didn't get a chance to say everything I wanted to say. If I could do it over, I would mention that M and I really look at dental school as something that brought us together. In fact, he started dental school on the east coast a few weeks into our relationship when UCLA called to let him know they had a spot for him. It brought him back to CA, and consequently to me, and here we are today married with a new baby on the way. I would also mention that M had said to me this morning that I was getting this degree with him. But I disagree. He was the one that studied hours on end, passed all of his classes, all the while finding time to nurture a new relationship and be there for F and I. And lastly, I would mention that I know for certain that he will not just be a good dentist, but he'll be a great one. One of his professors mentioned that M has the right combination of technical expertise and interpersonal skill that makes him better than most. I also know that he possesses an enthusiasm and love for dentistry that is very unique. He truly respects the craft and the artistry, possesses incredible integrity and has the characteristics of a lifelong learner that will allow him to enjoy tremendous success in private practice. This is not someone who went into the profession for the financial rewards, but he will reap these rewards because of his commitment to excellence and love of the work. Needless to say, I am proud of him and want everyone to know it! The future is bright for this new doctor of dental surgery!!

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