Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby Capio is a...

On Thursday June 11th, M and I had our "big" ultrasound appointment with the perinatologist. We had already seen the baby via 2 previous ultrasounds (weeks 8 and 12), but our doctor wouldn't take a stab at guessing the sex. It seemed apparent that she was not very good at it, so she told us we'd have to wait until our diagnostic one during the 5th month. Keep in mind that this whole time everyone and their mother was guessing that this one was a boy, so naturally I was calling it "he." M, as many men do, wants a son and, to be honest, so do I, but of course we realize that the most important thing is that we have a healthy baby.

So after weeks of anticipation, we were finally at the fancy specialist's office and the doctor's looking around inside my belly. Everything looked perfect. At last we got to the part where he was going to confirm everyone's guess that it was a boy...WRONG! He told us we were having a girl and the room kinda got uncomfortably quiet. He went on to say that this was only an educated guess, but that if he was wrong, he'd cover babysitting for a whole year (which means he was as sure as he could possibly be). He concluded the ultrasound and left me to get my tummy cleaned up. The look on M's face was priceless...he looked like he was going to cry and I realized that it was because the doctor didn't say it was going to be a boy. I have to admit, I was pretty shocked, too, but more because we weren't expecting the girl news. My pregnancy was so different than with F and I just assumed that it was a boy.

Afterward, we went into the doctor's office and he asked if we had any questions. He reiterated that everything looked great, the baby was right on target and the due date of Nov. 10th was pretty accurate. He also gave us some pictures of the baby (one of which was 4D!) and a DVD of the whole ultrasound. I was embarrassed by how speechless we were in his office, but I'm sure we weren't the first couple to be surprised after learning one way or the other.

Anyway, it's been almost 2 weeks and the idea of another girl has grown on us and we're really excited. F was the most excited when she found out as she secretly was hoping for a girl and we all know she is going to be the best big sis. M is a sucker for baby girls so his initial shock reaction probably had more to do with not being able to name his first born after his dad, who he adores, than being disappointed about a little girl. How can anyone be disappointed with that? We know we are extremely blessed and we are looking forward to meeting our little scorpio girl in the fall. We're almost completely decided on a name, but that news will have to wait until she's born...

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